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    Men's Shirt for Every Occasion

    Craft shirts that command attention, From casual comfort to sharp sophistication

    Charles Magne is your gateway to shirt-making supremacy! Step into shirt excellence where we architect your brand’s ascension.

    We cater to every vision, from wallet-friendly everyday essentials to opulent, head-turning luxury pieces. Whatever your style – timeless classics, cutting-edge trends, or groundbreaking innovations – we have the perfect fabric to elevate your shirts above the competition.

    Enjoy limitless customization possibilities with us. Craft impeccable formal shirts that command boardroom respect or design avant-garde pieces that redefine casual wear. Leverage our decades of yarn mastery as your secret weapon in the fashion arena. 

    We offer unparalleled technical insight, guaranteeing that every thread aligns perfectly with your design vision. The result? Shirts that don’t just meet customer expectations – they create new standards of comfort, style, and quality. Partner with Charles Magne and watch your brand become the new benchmark in men’s fashion. 

    Let’s create a legacy of style that stands the test of time!

    What We Do

    1Fabric Selection

    Explore our extensive range of premium fabrics designed for shirt excellence. Our expert merchandising team helps you find the perfect fabric for each style and occasion, ensuring your shirts stand out in comfort and sophistication.

    2Dyeing and Printing

    Enhance your shirt collection with our comprehensive dyeing options, including Azo-free solutions that meet the highest safety standards. Our in-house graphics team brings your vision to life, offering a wealth of print options tailored to your specifications. Create shirts that capture attention and showcase your brand's unique identity.

    3Labels, Trims, and Designs

    Our dedicated merchandising and fashion design team ensures your vision is executed to the finest detail. From selecting the ideal yarn color for labels to innovative packaging solutions, we are your one-stop destination for cohesive branding that sets your shirt line apart in the competitive market.

    4Pre-Production Sampling

    Experience the quality and fit of your garments before full production with our meticulous pre-production sampling process. We offer a range of options, from budget-friendly to premium selections, ensuring your shirt line appeals to every target demographic. Eliminate uncertainty in your product planning with Charles Magne's expert sampling services.


    At Charles Magne, quality isn't just a goal – it's our obsession. Our organized systems and processes ensure that every shirt leaving our manufacturing facilities meets the highest standards. Partner with us for shirts that consistently exceed expectations and keep customers coming back for more.


    Timing is crucial in the fast-paced fashion world. Our high-efficiency standards and meticulous delivery planning ensure your shirts arrive exactly when needed. Don’t let the perfect collection become last season’s news – trust Charles Magne for on-time, every-time delivery of your craftsmanship-standard shirts.


    Charles Magne delivers elite services with quick responses and swift sample turnaround times. Partner with us and empower your brand to dominate the competition in the textile world.